This is service? You've got to be kidding me!
The Power of a First and Lasting (Hospitality) Connection
Hospitality…delivered on a bus
What does a Seinfeld episode have to do with customer service?
Would YOU do business with YOU?
Customer Service 101…is not always 101 today!
Do you have a WOW Budget?
Do you follow DNDC when it comes to hiring?
Combining Hi-Tech with Hi-Touch to create a Rememorable Experience
How many times do I have to answer that?
Perception is 9/10ths of the law (and how to make it work in your organization)
For your customers- are you the “only game in town”?
Three words that make a BIG Impact for the Customer Experience
From Blah to Black Tie- all in the same day!
Would you send your customer to a competitor in order to make them happy?
A “Wow” Experience... in a Quick Service Restaurant?
5 ways to shake off the rust when it comes to your customer service
Are you getting "your Hospitality right?"
Paying attention to all the details